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Investment Projects

a close up of a plant

Native Forest Protection

Australian Bloodwood Forest: This project protects existing native forests of Bloodwood trees in northern New South Wales, while also working to regenerate and restore thousands of additional hectares that were once flush with these trees. By protecting the land from deforestation and allowing it to be managed in a way that protects local wildlife and biodiversity, the fragile ecosystem and landscape are able to thrive. A rigorous feral animal control program, and extensive fencing, yard and watering programs, help establish a balanced and diverse ecosystem while also contributing to additional UN Sustainable Development goals like job creation and economic growth. 

Why We Love It: This project will bring enrichment throughout its 100 year permanence and beyond, not only to life on land, but also life below water. Bloodwood is host to a lake system that has the richest array of fairy shrimps, clam shrimps and shield shrimps in the world. Protecting it from deforestation will enable this underwater ecosystem to thrive. 

Refrigerant Reclamation

Refrigerant Reclamation: This project, run by Hudson Technologies and verified by the American Carbon Registry, is working to reduce the overall impact refrigerants have on our world by reclaiming and reusing Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) - the most commonly used refrigerant and a powerful greenhouse gas with devastating effects on the climate. To date, the project has reduced 200,000 tons of CO2e by recertifying and reusing HFCs from discarded refrigerators thereby displacing the new production of more potent gases that would otherwise be manufactured to meet current demand. 

Why We Love It: Refrigerants are found everywhere in today’s world, yet there are no restrictions on HFC production in the U.S. and little incentive for recovery because it’s cheaper for companies to produce new HFCs than to reclaim what's been discarded. This project promotes responsible HFC consumption and reuse for companies who would otherwise continue creating more and more climate-damaging gasses. 


Fuel-Efficient Cookstoves

Kenya Cookstoves: The Paradigm Project distributes locally-appropriate energy efficient cooking technologies to address the financial and environmental burdens associated with the open fire cooking and traditional stoves used in poor communities across Kenya.  By heating faster and burning for less time, the project’s fuel-efficient cookstoves require less fuel to operate than traditional stoves, allowing more than 143,000 tonnes CO2e to be reduced and approximately 157,000 trees to be preserved. Verifications have counted nearly 300,000 people positively impacted by the program, 6.2 million hours and over $3 million dollars in firewood costs saved. 

Why We love it: The local jobs that have been created as a result of this project provide lasting benefits including positive impacts for women and girls. By supporting local Kenyan economies, promoting climate friendly technologies, and empowering women, The Paradigm Project advances several UN Sustainable Development Goals including Poverty, Gender Equality, Economic Growth, Climate Action, and Life on Land. 

a sign on a beach near a body of water

Rivers on Renewable Energy

Turkey Hydropower: This "Run of the Rivers" project allows rivers in Turkey to be utilized as renewable energy sources by establishing hydropower plants that harvest energy flowing from water to generate electricity. The goal of this project is to generate power without causing airborne pollutants and to displace power provided to the Grid by harmful fossil fuel burning power plants. 

Why We Love It: In addition to decreasing GHG emissions and air pollutants, the project has many co-benefits including creating local jobs, providing a large reservoir for fishery products, and helping to reduce damage to agriculture. 

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